Afternoon church is not compatible with napping. Not only are we at church during Grant's nap time, but the drive home tends to lull Grant to sleep at 4 pm. This Sunday was no exception. We transferred a sleeping Grant from the car to his crib after church, expecting him to wake a couple of hours later. (We've learned from experience that keeping Grant up until bedtime when he misses a nap can be torture for the parents --- and probably Grant as well.) But Grant did not wake up. Nat woke him around 9 pm to change his diaper and clothes. Grant went right back to sleep. Given the fact that he went to bed at 4 in the afternoon, I thought that I was in for an early morning. The picture above was taken at 8:30 am Monday morning right before I had to wake Grant up. He sleeps like his dad.

Sadie is growing up way too fast. She's rolling over and scooting around the floor and is very close to sitting on her own.

I love watching my children interact with one another. Sadie adores her older brother and carefully watches his every move. Grant is very concerned for his little sister and makes sure that she has everything she needs. His concern for Sadie is captured in the picture below where Grant is graciously sharing Fox and fixing the music on Sadie's chair. Bath time on Sunday was particularly memorable. Grant has decided that he must help mom give Sadie baths. Interestingly enough, he has also determined that he himself no longer needs baths. Grant responded to my comment that it was time to bathe Sadie by running into our bedroom where Nat was watching Sadie and exclaiming, "Sadie bath!" while trying to pull Sadie off the bed. After a talk about not trying to pull Sadie off the bed, he excitedly ran to the bathroom while I got Sadie ready for her bath. Grant would laugh and talk and splash as I bathed Sadie; Sadie laughed, talked, and splashed back at Grant. I love watching the two of them interact and communicate without any intelligible words. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and dirty boys must bathe.