Monday, September 7, 2009

Rolling and Slightly Balding

Sadie's 4 Month Stats
12 lbs. 9 oz. (Weight)
24 1/4 in. (Height)
40.0 cm (Head Circumference)

Sadie starting rolling from her back to her stomach when she was 3 1/2 months old, and today she started rolling from her stomach to her back. She has no teeth, but lots of drool. Her favorite pastimes include smiling, flying on her stomach, cooing, laughing, and looking up to her big brother.


Stacy said...

Hey! We finally got our internet back! I am glad you guys had a good time while you were in DC. we miss it already! Hope things keep going well for you guys in State College!!

Becca said...

Yay for rolling, flying babies!

Christina said...

What a doll! I love all the milestones! I bet Grant just loves her!

Nana said...

Some of these pictures really remind me of Tenille when she was a baby. Sadie sure is a cutie!