Cookie Sneaking
Birthday Celebrating
This birthday was all about things that go: train set, train cake, and bike (plus a Thomas blanket and Thomas movie). What October birthday would be complete without some snow (like 6 inches)?

Big-Boy Sleeping
We transitioned Grant to a "Big-Boy" bed, which means learning how sleep without falling out of bed, how to wake up mom in the middle of the night ("Mom get out bed"), and learning how to sneak down the stairs when I should be in bed. A two-year-old's logic is somewhat mysterious: Grant refuses to walk down the stairs during the day and will stand at the top of the stairs asking "carry you?", but somehow he is more than capable of walking downstairs at night after we have put him to bed.
Dinner Negotiating
Grant: How about ice cream?Mom: No. How about carrots?
Grant: No, carrots all gone.
Sibling Laughing
Halloween Trick-or-Treating
Sadie dressed as a ghost but skipped the trick-or-treating. Grant hasn't stopped exclaiming "It's Halloween!"