About 2 months ago, Grant could say basically two words: ball and apple. Okay, so maybe he could say a few more, but he still wasn't saying "mama" or "dada". He understood a lot, but he never tried to say anything. Things have completely changed over the past few months. Grant picks up 2 or 3 new words a day. It makes my life so much easier and enjoyable.

In this first video clip, Grant tells us what's for dinner and what he wishes was for dinner. It features the words: banana, peas, milk, apple, hi and bye.
This next video is a little long, but I thought that grandparents and aunts and uncles might enjoy it. I've titled it Grant Helps Mom Read a Book and it features the numbers 1-9 and the following words: bumble bee, more, fish, turtle, duck, frog, and home.
The first time we tried to video Grant "reading" the book, our camera battery died. Luckily we were able to capture Grant's first attempt at the word "turtle" before the battery was completely gone. I edited the video below to include just the fish and turtle pages.
The pictures were taken at Millbrook Marsh Nature Center during our Saturday afternoon picnic.