This past weekend Tenille had a conference for her math research stuff down in Maryland. We took the opportunity to take the whole family and enjoy a couple extra days of sightseeing. We visited with our cousin Stacy and her husband Cameron. (Thanks again for letting us crash!)
The first of our posts from the DC trip features two houses built to honor God: the National Cathedral, and the LDS Temple in Kensington.
The DC Temple -
This was Nat's temple growing up. As a youth he went to to baptisms and has fond memories of those group trips with friends from the ward. This time was special, since it was the first opportunity he's had to go through the temple as an endowed member. We actually went thrice; once with the kids to show them around and tour the visitor's center, once without the kids (again, thanks Stacy!) to go through a session, and once in Sunday best to tour the grounds. Here's some pics.

When we first got in sight of the temple Grants reaction was a mix of awe and excitement. He just stood there pointing and saying "Oooooh" for about five minutes.

In the visitor's center there was a really cool exhibit of Hubble telescope images. These were displayed with creation/universe-type scriptures (think Pearl of great Price kindof stuff). Above is a picture of Nat telling Grant about bar-spiral galaxies. The caption might read "Someday, son, all this will be yours." Fitting for the temple...
Fact: Most temples have cool doors. The DC temple is no exception. Here's a picture.

One of Grant's favorite bed-time songs? "I like to see the temple, I'm going there someday..."
The National Cathedral -
This national landmark is waaaay underrated. Nat had been to DC how many times and never even really heard of it? It is an interesting blend of old world orthodoxy and new world democracy. The founders nearly achieve sainthood in this cathedral celebrating both the gospel of Jesus and the birth of American freedom.

Saints Washington and Lincoln?

The burning bush and tree of life, perhaps? These windows face each other from across the nave.

The rose window makes a striking feature, heading a procession of the flags of the states. We liked this in conjunction with a line from Washington's War Message to congress, which is etched into a side chapel wall. He sums up the aim of American freedom as being to "bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free."

A final and futile supplication: "Lord open the King of England's eyes."